You're a content strategist, marketer, or content developer, and you've been asked to create a long-form resource. We've established that white papers aren't dead, but maybe you want to experiment, reach new audiences, or tell a story in a different way. When creating long-form articles, there are many different types of content to consider. Podcasts Consider it. A busy B2B buyer is trying to learn about a topic, such as engineering robotics. They buy email list could read a 40-page white paper or stand in line for a 40-minute interview with a thought leader and get the download on their commute. Entrepreneur reports that 68 million.
Americans listen to podcasts every month, and that number is only growing. Fast Company called podcasts brand ads that people actually want to listen to. Your branded podcast content should connect with your audience and focus on what they want to learn. Work place buy email list messaging app Slack has created a podcast that explores the meaning and identity of work. The show features a range of different people, from doctors working to build community support to travel writers trying to balance their career and family life. The community-building discussion platform podcast tells unique stories, connects to topics that matter to their customers, and builds brand affinity in the process.
Interactive contentThe purpose of long pieces buy email list is often to help educate and guide buyers. More and more, brands are turning to interactive content to capture people's attention. It's splashy, it keeps you engaged, and it looks great on a mobile device.One example that stands out is Pitchfork 's interactive piece on Daft Punk. With a highly stylized UX design, active videos and more, it turns reading a long article into an experience. The graphics stay with you. What if your next manufacturing story featured the action of welding sparks flying over the manufacturing floor, robotics swirling through production moves, and dynamic graphics showing industry growth